To the anti gunners of the left...

What I’m about to say will probably hurt a bunch of leftist writers who cry foul whenever they title their articles simply for click bait.  If you don’t like our response, I guess maybe you should choose another profession if you are unable to take the heat created by doing what you do.  You see in today’s society; nobody takes the time to read anything.  I am literally writing this with the expectation only 10-15 people will read what I put down here. Kids today are taught from an early age that they can have whatever they want and they can have it immediately.  This is actually part of the societal problem that leads to unfortunate events like Marshall County, Parkland, and Santa Fe.  Instant gratification is more important to the up and coming generation than actually working toward something over a period of time.  This has in essence decreased the value of everything at a societal level.  With this “gimme” generation coming of age we now are starting to see the effects of your peoples attack on manliness coming to fruition.


You talk in your articles about how these boys just needed to be coddled more.  They should have been offered more of an opportunity to express their feelings in a safe and productive manner, without fear of being attacked or demeaned for it.  Well, let me tell you something, strong men can share feelings, and they know how to deal with the stress of the real world.  One problem facing our youth, that you probably feel is a good thing, is that these boys are not allowed an identity.  A good amount of you liberals seem to think that being a man is a bad thing.  While I’m sure you think that having a strong masculine role model is a bad thing, the reality is quite the contrary.  Most people actually learn very important life lessons from the strong male role models they grow up around.  These men have stories of war, of struggle, and or perseverance. This is where the children of my generation learned the value of life. This is where we learned how to handle firearms safely.  This is where we in turn learned to be good strong male role models.  You people want to diminish the family by attacking men, and you have largely succeeded.  You have effectively created a society that not only breeds murderers, you praise them.  If you think that last comment is a stretch or a falsity, just start arguing with me about abortion and how that baby growing inside a woman is not a life.  Case and point, you see, when you devalue life so much that you refuse to protect the lives of those who have zero ability to protect their own, then how can you legitimately expect the youth to understand the true value of life itself. 

While the political left here catches their breath from that last comment, I would like to point out that when you do not appreciate the value of something you are much less likely to care for it.  Think about a teenager doing chores like mowing the lawn, or washing the parent’s cars, or even the “lucky” rich kid who gets everything handed to them.  Kids hate mowing the lawn or doing other chores because they didn’t work for those things.  Much like the rich kid who sadly will never work for anything, they don’t know the true value of what they are taking care of, so they will never do it with the same appreciation as those of us who worked for it.
This devaluation of life, combined with the unchecked mental health issues in this country and you get exactly what we have today.  The mental health issue is another topic in itself, but it’s pretty safe to say that a good majority of these issues are fueled by the lack of being able to identify as one of the 68 million genders, or the lack of ability to fit into any group.  Hell, you social justice clowns even converted the boy scouts into some weird conglomeration of all-inclusive sap sucking.  Boys are boys, and girls are girls.  Some girls would more like to do what the boy scouts do, and some girls are probably more than capable, but that does not mean an entire organization should change who they are to meet the needs of few. 

I’m going to leave that subject though to another blog and conclude by simply saying, if you really think that taking guns away from completely safe, law abiding citizens is the answer, then you are completely delusional.  Taking guns away from people who otherwise abide by the law and safe handling and storage practices, will only exacerbate the situation.  None of these acts have been carried out by any of those law abiding citizens.  You say things like, England hasn’t had any mass shootings in years and it worked for Australia, but the reality is you ignore all the facts about both of those places.  Australia never had a large quantity of guns or mass gun violence.  And if you really look at England and say that is a society that you want to live in, then by all means.  I will even help you pack!  Before you go though, I would suggest you look up violent crime rates where you plan on going.  The truth will probably shock you.

Anyways, we are not giving up our guns, and we are not giving anymore on gun control.  The government of the United States has failed to use the tools that We The People have given them already.  What makes you think that they would do any better with a new hammer than the old one hanging from their belt?  Stop with all the false information and if you really want to help solve the problem, lets address the real issues facing society as a whole.  If you really want to see gun homicides at the same level or lower than they were in the 1950’s, then let’s raise our children with the moral values that guided that generation.  Let’s raise our children with love for god, and an appreciation for hard work.  Let’s instill confidence in the youth by nurturing the things that make them who they are.  Let’s allow these kids to at the very least identify with basic biological facts.  Let’s stop taking the responsibility of actions away from the person who performs them.  Let’s return our society to the America our grandparents enjoyed. Let us, the people of this great nation, once again be free.


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