Collaboration, cooperation, and teamwork
Collaboration, cooperation, and Teamwork
Why wolves are the perfect model for the threepercenters!
Article by: Taurarious 02/08/2018
As most people know the wolf pack truly is an amazing thing. From the Alpha all the way down to the pups, everyone knows their place. This is never more evident than on the hunt. A successful wolf pack has been known to take down animals more than 4 times the size of the largest wolf. This isn’t because the wolves are better equipped than their prey. After all they have only been given four paws and a jaw to work with. What the wolves lack in size, power, and weapons they more than make up for with their collaboration and intelligence. Wolves truly work together to take down their prey, and they do it without any verbal ques. Every member of the pack simply knows what the others will do and what is expected of them.
From the early age of a wolf they are incorporated into the hunt as simple observers. The younger wolves’ jobs, as far as the pack is concerned, is to learn. Learn where the advantages tip into the favor of the pack. Learn how the pack selects their target. And especially learn what is expected of them. There are several misconceptions about the wolf pack. Take the “Alpha” for instance. It is the Alpha’s job not to bark orders during every moment of a packs existence, in fact during a hunt the Alpha may actually break off to do their own thing if they get bored, which happens quite regularly. The Alphas only real jobs are to ensure that every other member is doing their part and protection of the females since they are the breeders of the bunch. For this reason, the Alpha is often not even the strongest member of the pack. They are just best equipped to do that job.
When hunting though, wolves don’t just waste energy chasing prey around an open field. They know that often it is better to remain hungry than to expend precious energy or risk injury for something that isn’t a sure thing. They will often stalk prey for days just waiting for the perfect set of circumstances to present themselves. They know what their strengths are, as well as the weaknesses of their prey. When the pack sees an opportunity to strike they will. Wolves are opportunists. They test their prey to learn what weaknesses they have and when the time is right, they strike.
So everyone knows wolves are great hunters, but what about other functions of the pack. Let’s look at simple travel. When a pack decides its time to move to a new area, they know that there is a good chance that they will be going through another predator’s territory. Maybe it is a mountain lion, maybe even another wolf pack. Whatever the enemy be they prepare themselves for that fact. Contrary to a viral Facebook post that claims wolves travel in a line and are led by the oldest and weakest, the packs are often led by one of the strongest of the bunch. This wolf may not be the fastest, but they have a very specific role in leading the others. This wolf breaks the trail. They are able to move things out of the way or make tracks through heavy snow so the others can expend less energy during the travels. If the pack is large enough there may be a group of 2 or 3 that take the lead of the pack. These wolves will rotate the lead position so as to never allow one to become too tired. This groups other job is to spot any immediate dangers and relay what is seen back to the pack so they are all on alert. The middle group of wolves are typically the faster and the young wolves. The faster are paired with the young as they are best equipped to distract a predator looking to attack the weaker of the group. They can divert the attention of any would be attackers from that of an offensive to a defensive stand point. The farthest back in the line are the “Alpha” pair of the group. The leaders that walk behind the oversee all the actions of the rest of the pack. Also if they are attacked from behind then the rest of the pack survives. In any pack there is always another alpha, but never anymore young. The job of an alpha is one of sacrifice often times. They lay their lives on the line for the pack, no matter what. An alpha will never retreat unless the rest of the pack is out of harm’s way.
So to the point of all of this. It is not uncommon among our movement to hear the term lone wolf. This term is actually a conundrum in and of itself, because a lone wolf is not likely to survive very long on its own. Wolves are pack animals, and so should patriots be. Only through collaboration, cooperation and teamwork can true patriots be effective. Sure a single person can have a small impact, but a well-structured group can do so much more.
Let us learn from the wolf and form a bond with a group. Understand that it is the youth of this nation that will carry us forward and without proper training and proper guidance this movement that we invest ourselves in will surely die. We often find ourselves at a point where we feel that it would just be easier if we didn’t have to deal with all the bull that goes along with trying to organize and facilitate a team culture. Our founding fathers never said anything about this was going to be easy or comfortable. Now is the time to break out of that comfort zone. Now is the time to form our groups. Now we can build our strength. Teach our younger members what it means to be a real patriot. Develop the skills to survive the journey. Today is the day we need to stand up and say that no longer are we lone wolves. Today we are a pack.
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