Why excuses are killing our nation!

So while I was sitting at my desk this morning at 04:30 sorting through all the medial tasks I have to do on top of what I would consider the meat and potatoes of my job, I wondered what it is about me that separates myself from all the others that I work with. Why is it that everyone else goes through the day seemingly buried by all their work? Why does everyone else always pop off as though they are so stressed out? Why is everyone around me constantly being asked if they finished this or that?  What is it that is killing the productivity of this office?

For starters, I thought about this while I was once again the only person in the office. That isn’t it though, I’m fully aware that out of everyone here I work pretty much the same amount of hours. So if it isn’t hours worked then what could it be?  As others file into the office, the day begins unfolding just the same as any other Monday. The smell of coffee freshly brewed fills the room. This is followed shortly by polite banter from different corners of the office with discussion of weekend activities and of course March madness. So as I hear bits and pieces of the conversations taking place around me, I think could it be the talking. Probably not that either I think as I head for a refill on my cup of joe and proceed to carry on a 10 minute conversation with my boss.

So if it isn’t dedication, and it isn’t horseplay, then what is it that drains the productivity from this office and for that matter from our society.  So as I listen to everyone go about their day it hit me. The one thing everyone has in common is the excuse. Everyone around me seemingly has an endless supply of excuses. I never hear anyone give a definitive timeline for completion, and when they are asked why things don’t get done on time, they always have a because of this or because of that.

So what I realized is that I never make excuses. Not for things I mess up, or get behind on. Not for being late, which never happens anyways , but I digress.   I find that excuses are a waste, they don’t  solve anything, or help anything get done faster. They are just a way for people to justify their laziness. I have times setup each week that are devoted just to the little things. Then I focus on hitting specific dates that even if I’m not asked for, I stick to. See in my line of work you have to set cut off dates or you risk falling victim to constant changes.

How does this apply in society though. Today we have excuses that are pushed by media and government. Excuses like privilege, or fascism, even racism. In a nation where everyone is considered equal at birth we forget that it is our actions that define us. When you make excuses for your failures then it’s unlikely you will ever succeed. In a world where actions breed results, excuses will always fail the user.

Excuses prevent us from learning from our mistakes. The excuse is a tactic used to jade over reality. If we as a society do not stop making excuses for everything, and start owning our actions, we will fail. We will fail as a person, as a group and as a nation. In my eyes failure is inexcusable. Certain people would have you believe they are a victim of circumstances or some other horse shit. The reality is they are only a victim of their own failure to grow forward.

Please, stop with the excuses. It is time our nation as a whole move forward. Move past all the remedial bullshit. We live in an age where everything we could ever want is within our reach. One only needs to stop complaining about how hard it is to grab, and just fucking reach out there and take it.


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