In defense of Liberty!

So I was recently asked why I believe so wholeheartedly in America.  At the time I mustered a fairly coherent reply that sounded like something you would here from a fox new contributor.  Since then, I find myself still pondering this question, and each time I reflect on my answer, I elaborate a bit more upon it.  Today I’m going to reflect on this question once more, and then I’ll move on. 

America was founded on principles that our founding fathers felt to be so important to the success and happiness of the people that everything they did from the signing of Declaration of Independence forward was guided by them.  These principles were not based in exclusion.  The only regulations that were imposed by the government at that time were on the government.  They knew full well that a government left unchecked, was a crisis waiting to happen.  The people ran the government back then.  What we have today is nothing like what was put in place 242 years ago.  Over that time, we the people have given more power to the government all while they continue to take our power away.

I really do believe that we the people have the power and ability to turn things back around and get back to what was drawn up for us.  I believe that we have made great strides in this country to be better human beings.  The two biggest problems we have today are political division and big government.  Oddly enough, both of these problems stem from one thing.  Politicians!

Politicians have come to a point where they will do anything to get elected.  This isn’t just people on the left or the right.  Every single person who seeks power will be confronted with an opportunity at some point.  That opportunity will undoubtedly have strings attached to it, and this will breed corruption.  A corrupt politician is willing to do and say anything to gain power.  As the people lose more of their power the politician in office gain more.  They have found ways to drive wedges between the people and force us to choose a side. 

As Americans it is our responsibility to be civically minded, and hold an understanding of how things work. In our schools we used to be taught valuable lessons on the inner workings of government.  We were told how a single voice mattered.  Unfortunately, we have stopped doing this.  Today’s youth cannot tell you the difference between the senate and the house.  Today we just say this side says this and that side is wrong.  I find this on both sides of the aisle.  We have all but forgotten true libertarianism.  We need to teach our children and now our young adults about what liberty really is.  Too many people have the belief that without government, we would descend into the stone age.  People do not remember that we have the ability to choose.  We can make decisions that are guided by morality, and they will not hurt others. 

I believe our people can relearn these principles.  That is why I believe in America.  I think we can still correct our course and get back to where we once were.  We can stop making criminals of people for choices that affect no one but themselves.  We can stop judging our neighbors for their beliefs.  We can stop being counterproductive to our own interests.  We can take back the power that rightfully belongs to us.  It is time we reclaim our thrones, and push the career power hungry liars out of their false castles.  It is time that we go back to letting people make up their own minds.

As we draw closer to the election season, we need to put forth candidates who work for the people.  We need to ensure our mayors, sheriffs and governors are working for the right side of our country, and this has nothing to do with party.  It’s time we return to policy voters, and screw up the whole red vs blue paradigm.  Two party politics have destroyed our country, and now is the time to rebuild what is left.  We can do it starting today, and we can do it because WE are THE PEOPLE.


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