To the anti gunners of the left...
What I’m about to say will probably hurt a bunch of leftist writers who cry foul whenever they title their articles simply for click bait. If you don’t like our response, I guess maybe you should choose another profession if you are unable to take the heat created by doing what you do. You see in today’s society; nobody takes the time to read anything. I am literally writing this with the expectation only 10-15 people will read what I put down here. Kids today are taught from an early age that they can have whatever they want and they can have it immediately. This is actually part of the societal problem that leads to unfortunate events like Marshall County, Parkland, and Santa Fe. Instant gratification is more important to the up and coming generation than actually working toward something over a period of time. This has in essence decreased the value of everything at a societal level. With this “gimme” generation coming of age we ...