
To the anti gunners of the left...

What I’m about to say will probably hurt a bunch of leftist writers who cry foul whenever they title their articles simply for click bait.   If you don’t like our response, I guess maybe you should choose another profession if you are unable to take the heat created by doing what you do.   You see in today’s society; nobody takes the time to read anything.   I am literally writing this with the expectation only 10-15 people will read what I put down here. Kids today are taught from an early age that they can have whatever they want and they can have it immediately.   This is actually part of the societal problem that leads to unfortunate events like Marshall County, Parkland, and Santa Fe.   Instant gratification is more important to the up and coming generation than actually working toward something over a period of time.   This has in essence decreased the value of everything at a societal level.   With this “gimme” generation coming of age we ...

In defense of Liberty!

So I was recently asked why I believe so wholeheartedly in America.   At the time I mustered a fairly coherent reply that sounded like something you would here from a fox new contributor.   Since then, I find myself still pondering this question, and each time I reflect on my answer, I elaborate a bit more upon it.   Today I’m going to reflect on this question once more, and then I’ll move on.   America was founded on principles that our founding fathers felt to be so important to the success and happiness of the people that everything they did from the signing of Declaration of Independence forward was guided by them.   These principles were not based in exclusion.   The only regulations that were imposed by the government at that time were on the government.   They knew full well that a government left unchecked, was a crisis waiting to happen.   The people ran the government back then.   What we have today is nothing like what was ...

The Republic is ours!

Freedom isn’t free! Commonly we here this when we discuss the heavy costs incurred by our soldiers serving our country and their respective families. The cost of freedom however extends far beyond this in the grand scheme though.   Each and every one of us as citizens pays a cost for freedom.   We give up safety, we give up stability, we give up ease of life for freedom.   Over the course of this nations existence people have been trading freedom for things like security.   How really though does the currency transfer over.   Freedom is no different than money, we have a finite amount of it and at some point the bank of liberty will run dry.   Using freedom as currency is a major problem.   I don’t believe when our founding fathers discussed taxation without representation, that they were talking about money.   The reality is that back in 1776, money was not what it is today.   Many people got their day to day needs by using trade and bar...

A revolution is what they want... Let’s give them one!

America is at odds with itself.... Today we can all look around and identify about a million things that we either disagree with completely or at least in part. This is mostly due to the mostly new level of connectivity we have with the outside world. Until roughly 25 years ago the world was largely segregated from itself. We lived in small tight knit communities where everyone knew everyone else. This was true even in large cities. It wasn’t uncommon for neighborhood kids to get together every day and play. Parents knew all the other parents in the area and there was always someone looking out for you and your family. Today however things are drastically different. Next door neighbors don’t know each other, much less entire neighborhoods. Cars, planes, and trains are used for more than just vacations. People have moved farther away from their jobs, and we have placed technological connection at a higher value than interpersonal interactions. It pains me to see childre...

Breaking down gun confiscation by the numbers

Gun confiscation in perspective. Okay so with all the talk going around of gun confiscation I thought it would be good to put everything into perspective and just break it down by the numbers.   Since numbers don’t have emotion, I felt this would be the best way to look at things.   Both side of this argument are very passionate about their beliefs, but just how realistic is gun confiscation. According to the United States census bureau in 2017 America had a population of 325.7 million people. According to a PEW research trust article in June of 2017 30% of Americans own guns.   Of those 66% of gun owners have more than one gun.   Additionally, 36% of the remaining population said that they would consider owning guns.   And 72% of Americans say they have fired a gun. Using these percentages with the population we get the following. ·          97,710,000 gun owners in America o    Assuming those...

Why excuses are killing our nation!

So while I was sitting at my desk this morning at 04:30 sorting through all the medial tasks I have to do on top of what I would consider the meat and potatoes of my job, I wondered what it is about me that separates myself from all the others that I work with. Why is it that everyone else goes through the day seemingly buried by all their work? Why does everyone else always pop off as though they are so stressed out? Why is everyone around me constantly being asked if they finished this or that?  What is it that is killing the productivity of this office? For starters, I thought about this while I was once again the only person in the office. That isn’t it though, I’m fully aware that out of everyone here I work pretty much the same amount of hours. So if it isn’t hours worked then what could it be?  As others file into the office, the day begins unfolding just the same as any other Monday. The smell of coffee freshly brewed fills the room. This is followed shortly by polit...

What is wrong today?

Okay, so I have been looking into a few different things that have been bugging me.   On March 5 th 2018, not 30 minutes from my house some yahoo blew himself up making bombs in his apartment building.   The explosion took place during the daylight thankfully and he was the only one killed.   After police arrived on scene they determined that the materials still present were too dangerous to move the body or attempt to clean them up so they instead detonated the remainder of the materials, and now are going to demolish the rest of the building.   They have to this point still not identified publicly the individual responsible for this explosion.   Now this seems simple enough, some lunatic making bombs killed himself, but what was he using to make the bombs? Why did the bomb squad have to destroy more of the scene to contain it?   Why have they not identified this person? And how have they already said he had no know terrorist links? This happened just...