Conversations with liberals volume 1
Okay so this will be the first in a series of social media arguements and conversations that I will be posting here. I will be calling the series Conversations with Liberals. stay tuned as this should get interesting.
an old adage comes to mind when thinking about the gun debate
when you give a man a hammer he would look for a nail
La father of ca
Every man who has a gun doesn't look for some one to shoot.
Ca to la
yeah only 99 1/2% of them
La to ca
Then we would all be dead.
Ca to la
yep just a matter of time
Ca to la
I can’t understand what possible reasons you could have against passing gun laws that would make everyone safer even gun owners. There is absolutely no earthly justification for a citizen to own an AR-15.
Ca to la
The hammer/nail analogy can be put another way one does not buy a sports car for puttering around town at some point somewhere you are going to lay that petal to the floor to se how fast it can truly g
Would you be so against any changes to the gun laws or the access to any and all gun laws if one your children, grandchildren, or great grandchildren we're a victim of these crimes?
Chicago has the strictest gun laws in the country. How's that working out? People are dying every day from hand guns. Also right here in Milwaukee.
Kp to la
Apples and oranges. A handgun will not be used to shoot 500 people at a concert, or mow down 26 first graders in a matter of minutes, or kill 17 people in a high school at a rapid speed.
Kp to la
Nobody wants all of your freaking guns for Christ's sake. WTH is so hard to understand that having weapons capable of firing that man bullets in a short amount of time is not necessary unless your aim is to kill as many as possible in the shortest amount of time.
Ca to la
for some people it doesn’t matter until it happens to them or someone they know/love
Ca to la
Now stop just stop
Best invention ever the ar 15 love it
Ca to wp
Of course
Dumbest debate ever. Sorry but the fact is this is America. No matter the country, thousands of criminals have guns and guess what. They don’t care about gun laws. Bad people will do bad things regardless of the laws. The problem is societal. We glorify and celbritize the people who do this instead of chastising them. We need to do more to avoid saying it’s mental illness because their actions are not excused by that. It’s time we address the real issue. Stop blaming the tools and start blaming the fools
Ca to me
I personally do not wish to own a handgun but I have no qualms about others having them and hunting rifles of course are fine but for fucks saker do you believe that you or I should own an assault rifle? If that is the case then I fucking give up. I mean, Australia and other countries like shit I can’t remember which Scandinavian country have not had mass shootings in like ten years. Are you saying that Americans are not smart enough to figure out what other countries have? The argument is gun control not “take all tjeir guns away” FUCK!!!!!
Ca to me
Fuck it, instead of a chicken in every pot it should be a killing machine in every hand. Man, woman and child
Ca to me
and really it’s dumb NOT to debate an issue where the lives of Americans are at stake
Me to ca
Our youth eat fucking tide pods. You telling me that guns are the problem is part of the problem. Guns have been in the hands of people in this country forever and only recently have we started seeing mass shootings like this. Seems to me there is something else going on
Ca to me
Yeah exactly, assault riffles are now available to Joe Schmoe
Me to ca
Assault rifles by definition are not available to Joe Schmoe.
Kp to me
FYI, the something going on is the ban on this very weapon expired and Republicans didn't renew it.
Kp to me
Thanks for proving the point
Me to kp
Two problems here. 1. The assault weapons ban only enacted a ban on weapons defined as an assault weapon. Aka a weapon where more than 1 round is fired with a single trigger pull.
2. The only thing I proved is that gun grabbers don’t know all the facts or even real facts so a true debate can’t be had
Standing on the graves of the poor victims of these violent crimes is not the way to push agenda. For once all I’m asking is instead of all these people running around blaming guns in our country for the problems, why don’t we blame those that are really at fault.
The perpetrators of these actions first. The families that failed to teach these kids the true value of life.
And third a society that makes gods of these assholes who take the lives of our youth away from us. When we give these people their five minutes of fame we tell others that you can do this and get your name engraved in American history.
We need to stop babying these kids as well. We coddle our youth now a days. This is not the truth of how life really is. Life sucks, but we teach kids that it’s good enough they even try. Well it’s not. You want something you have to work your ass off for it. There are always going to be people standing above you waiting to push your head back under water just when you think you are finally going to get out of the pool. How in the world do we ever e pact kids that have been told that it’s okay, You are a winner even if you lose, to cope with the real world that literally slaps them in the face the second they step out into it. We created monsters by saying I don’t want them to have to go through life the same way I did. Well I do want my daughter to grow up like I did. I want her to be able to go outside and play with her friends all day. I want her to struggle a little bit because in life there is a whole lot of discomfort. I want her to have the same tools that my childhood gave me. After all, I think we all turned out pretty damn good. We may not disagree on this issue but we both want the same thing. We want a world where our kids need not fear death every second of the day. We want a world where our children can grow and reach their full potential. At the end of the day we want peace. We just disagree on how to get there.
Ja mother of ca
This is the time to push agenda, every time we have a mass shooting is the time it has to stop
Well said T
Ca to la
So dumb
Me to ca
In place of insult offer researched real interjection. This is how debates seem to go today. Facts are shown, and people call names instead of offering real debate.
Here I offer four things that honestly need to be reviewed before we impose laws that would make otherwise law abiding citizens criminals. And at the same time making all of us soft targets for those that don’t care about the laws in the first place.
1) Mental illness is not being dealt with. Instead it is still a taboo subject that most don’t wish to actually address.
2) Urban areas have far higher crime rates than rural areas.
3) Politically liberal areas have far higher crime rates than conservative areas.
4) Politically liberal policies lead to higher unemployment and higher crime as evidenced by many blue liberal states and cities facing social disorder while many red conservative areas are thriving.
Sd for context she is a deputy sheriff
Part of the problem with the “gun debate” is that people jump to extremes. I have no issue with people being allowed to own guns - I don’t think it’s realistic to believe that getting rid of ALL guns is the answer. However, what I don’t understand, and have yet to hear justified or even an attempt at an explanation, is why ANYONE other than military or law enforcement personnel NEEDS to have a gun that is referred to as a “room clearer”. What purpose, other than killing large numbers of people in a short amount of time, does a weapon with a 50+ mag, accomplish? Hunting? No. Self protection? Seems like overkill. Sport? Doesn’t seem real challenging. So what is the justification? Because we CAN? Now THAT seems foolish. Have we learned nothing as a society about the dangers of doing things “because we can?” It is pathetic that as a society we continue to fail to learn from our mistakes. Why any lawful citizen would be against stricter control of weapons “of mass destruction” is beyond me. Will we continue to simply chant - “our founding fathers guaranteed our right to bear arms blah, blah, blah?” Because I’m fairly certain that our founding fathers, who carried 2 shooter muskets, NEVER envisioned a day when it would be a constitutionally protected right to carry a gun that could “clear a room” in under 60 seconds!
Mic drop
I could go on about why, but it’s already been done. I have included a good link of just one such article. Personally I think the word recreational is a good enough reason why. Anyone who has ever spent a day out on the range with friends just plinking at targets knows that it is rather cathartic. And to top off the cherry our founding fathers felt the right to keep and bear arms actually extended into artillery, so yeah, they knew what they were doing. We have reasonably and unreasonably given up our rights over the years in the interest of public safety and supposed common sense. I’m not applaud to background checks, just make the ones we already have actually work. I’m not opposed to restricting access to fully automatic weapons. I’m opposed to people stripping the rights of those that legally own their supposed “weapons of mass destruction”
So again I say, your right to play on the range is more important than the right of my child not to be slaughtered at school. Nobody. Wants. All. Your. Guns. What people do want is an answer that justifies regular everyday people owning a weapon of this magnitude. The answer of because I can, and because it's cathartic, and it's fun, are not real answers. I need to know an ACTUAL reason. And please don't spout the tired response of if they want to do it they will, because, frankly, they aren't being forced to find another way, because this way is so much easier. So again, explain to me why I have to watch 4 and 5 yr olds practice for the day an active shooter comes into their school to murder them? Tell me why, I have to also go over alternate scenarios with my son in case he's not in his class and is instead in the hallway or the bathroom when the sociopath comes into his school. Could have would have family values morals I've heard all the reasons why these keep happening but the one thing no one mentions is the ease in which these nutcases can access this "fun" weapon.
I’ll say this as simply as I can. Because people refuse to accept the facts. Because instead of getting rid of gun free zones and actually allowing our children’s Shepards the ability to protect them, you all say get rid of the guns. Why don’t you just admit that you are actually pro gun, you just want the government and police to be the only ones that have them. I’m so tired of this debate. Let me get down to brass tax and quit coddling the topic.
Liberal politics, policies, and instruction has created the issues we are seeing today. These kids don’t know which bathroom to use. They don’t know how to handle anything in life. They literally don’t know anything now. To many damn kids have grown up without strong male role models because mothers would rather collect a check than get a damn job. Parents would rather put their children in front of a damn television or tablet then actually parent. I never said it was fun, and just so you know, I don’t even own a gun. I’m simply standing up for the rights that are given to us by god, according to our founding fathers. And while we are on the topic of god. We have removed the moral compass from society by failing to teach our children that religion is stupid and has no meaning in life. Instead of making new laws that solve nothing why don’t we actually fix the broken system that is already in place. Oh that’s right, we just want superficial bs passed through as legislation so we sleep better at night. Why if the past legislation did nothing do you think new legislation will. The reality is that you and every other gun grabber fails to address the core of the issue we have. You hang your hat on whatever CNN has reported for the day.
Oh but Australia passed laws and it eliminated their issue. Let’s really talk about it for a second. Australia ended up spending 500 million dollars to get less than 700000 guns out of the hands of owners. That is just over 714 dollars per gun. Estimates of how many of the guns you want off the street is approaching probably 130 million. That would cost 92857100000$ that’s 92 billion so you know. And on top of that, While Australia experienced a dip in firearm deaths after passing the 1996 law, so has the U.S. since the early 1990s, even as we moved in the opposite policy direction by the elimination of the assault weapons ban.
Do you know we actually have had several buybacks in the US. Baltimore 1974 actually proved buybacks don’t work pretty well. During and after the buyback here gun homicides and gun violence in general actually rose. Turns out criminals dont really give a damn about the law.
In states and cities where guns are most heavily regulated gun violence and crime are up unilaterally. Chicago, Washington DC, Los Angeles, Detroit, etc...
Another thing. Supposedly there have been 18 school shootings so far in 2018. Of those 7 were single kids attempting suicide or in the case of three actually doing it, and 11 were in high crime areas where guns are already illegal per liberal policy and they are believed to have been gang related handgun fire. Aka drive by...
Also a quick little fact for you. As gun ownership has risen to an all-time high, the nation’s total violent crime rate has fallen to a 44-year low and the murder rate has fallen to an all-time low. Since 1991, when violent crime hit an all-time high, the nation’s violent crime rate and its murder rate have decreased by more than half, as Americans have acquired over 170 million new guns, roughly doubling the number of privately owned guns in the United States.
Since everyone also likes to say how easy it is to get a gun... I suppose we can thank Obama for this one since he famously and falsely claimed that guns are easier to get than fresh vegetable, but let’s see!
There are federal laws requiring gun dealers to register with the federal government prior to selling gun. There are state laws requiring that you apply for and receive an gun purchase permit, complete with national NCIC background check, prior to purchasing an gun. There are mandatory gun waiting periods as well as limits on how many guns you can purchase within a certain period of time. And therefore , to the best of my knowledge, state and local laws prohibiting the possession of guns in schools and other government buildings. Hmmm seems much harder than vegetable buying.
Okay not enough, then let’s just say second amendment of the bill of rights as approved and accepted by our founding fathers.
But, Second Amendment doesn’t apply today because the firearms used by the Founding Fathers were muskets, and that they couldn’t possibly have conceived of the devastating effectiveness of modern weaponry.
The Founders did not design the Constitution to be an ephemeral document that would lose its applicability over time. They were quite aware that technological changes would come long after they were gone. They designed the Second Amendment to preserve the individual right to self-defense, just as they created the First Amendment to protect free expression.
William Blackstone, a British legal theorist whom the Founders often relied on for guidance, wrote, “Self-defense … as it is justly called the primary law of nature, so it is not, neither can it be in fact, taken away by the law of society.”
It was this reasoning that prompted the Founders to include the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights.
Just as the rise of the internet and new communication technologies do not make the First Amendment invalid, the principles of the Second Amendment apply today, even as firearm technology has advanced.
Many studies show that news coverage and publicity surrounding school shootings only serve to increase their frequency. As Reason’s Robby Soave pointedly asked on Twitter, does this mean that it’s time to crack down on the First Amendment? A form of “news control,” so to speak.
Okay but the gun are the same the military has no one needs that. Wrong. Again listening to CNN has deceived you. An AR rifle is not and assault rifle. It’s a brand style. And AR 15 is no more dangerous than any other rifle. Anyone can go down to the local gun shop and buy a 700 win hunting rifle and pack a few magazines and be way more deadly than a 223 or 7.62 round. And they can get the same rate of fire. So yeah what you want is all the guns because any other request is ignorant by your own standards. But I digress. Back to the main point.
The second amendment prevents the government from over stepping and taking what they know is not theirs to take. Mainly our freedoms. Any government that doesn’t have checks on its power will over reach and abuse their power in search for more. No one will ever convince me otherwise. Especially since all the liberals are running around tearing down historical landmarks so we can forget history. We will be doomed to repeat it.
Let’s break it down further for you. So our police force has been militarized, irs agents have been militarized, epa have been militarized, county sheriff has been militarized, all of that under Obama by the way who never actually did as he said he would, imagine that, and pass your common sense gun laws. Anyways tomorrow Trump comes out and says we are taking all your guns. They need to send out the approximate 300 million militarized forces to collect weapons. If we all comply there is now no check on government force. So the election comes around in 2020, Trump loses, but now he has had 3 years completely unchecked to build his power, he goes on television and says nope. From this day forward you will call me master. Now what do you do. As he has the military and the federal agencies and the police and the everyone who legally has a gun on their side. Before you know it we dive into Nazi era civilization and either comply or die.
Okay so that was a whole lot of doom and gloom but it is entirely possible. Look at Venezuela, Syria, the United Kingdom, Switzerland, North Korea, China, Russia. They don’t have the freedoms we do and they don’t have any rights. They all want to live here. Hmmmmmmm
Okay now that I went all tinfoil hat I’m going to come back down to earth and say do yourself a favor and read George Orwell’s 1984 really look at society today and then get back to me.
There is the mic drop
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